Planning and Development Services

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Planning and Development Services


Capital Facilities Plan

The Washington State Growth Management Act requires that the Comprehensive Plan include a Capital Facilities Plan element. Skagit County revises its Capital Facilities Plan each year to update its capital facilities inventory and six-year financing plan.

Impact Fees

Impact fees are a type of one-time charge developers pay to help finance their proportionate share of the cost of the roads, parks, schools and other facilities necessary to serve their new developments. Impact fees are usually due at the time a building permit is issued. The funds collected cannot be used for operation, maintenance, repair, alteration, or replacement of existing capital facilities and cannot just be added to general revenue. The amount of the fee must be clearly linked to the added service cost, not some arbitrary amount.

Skagit County has adopted the impact fees of several school districts and cities and collects them within the unincorporated portions of those school districts and urban growth areas:

Interlocal Agreements for Collection of Impact Fees

Adopted Capital Facilities Plans

Historical Plan Drafts

2024 Plan Drafts

2023 to 2028 CFP and TIP Updates

2022 to 2027 CFP and TIP Updates

2021 to 2026 CFP and TIP Updates

Plan Drafts: 2020 to 2025 CFP and TIP Updates

Plan Drafts: 2019 to 2024 CFP and TIP Updates

Plan Drafts: 2018-2023 CFP and TIP Updates

Plan Drafts: 2017-2022

Plan Drafts: 2016-2021

2015Q1 CFP Update Proposal

Plan Drafts: 2015-2020

Plan Drafts: 2014-2019



County Roads Concurrency Assessment
The County Engineer is required by SCC 14.28.110 to produce a concurrency report for County roads by July 1 of each year.

City/Town CFPs



Mount Vernon



La Conner

School District CFPs

Sewer District Comprehensive Plans

Skagit Regional Airport

Transportation Improvement Program ("TIP")

The TIP, prepared by Public Works, is incorporated into the CFP by reference. You can find the current six-year TIP, as well as older editions, on the Public Works transportation programs webpage.

Water System Plans

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