Planning and Development Services
Shoreline Master Program Update
Supporting Documents
Board of Commissioners
Planning Commission 2020-2021
Financial Documents Video Archive
Date | Item | |
May 2011. | Notice mailed to all unincorporated county landowners | |
June 7. 2011 | Concrete Visioning workshop | |
June 8, 2011 | Lyman Visioning workshop | |
June 15, 2011 | Mount Vernon Visioning workshop | |
July 13, 2011 | Anacortes Visioning workshop | |
May 22, 2012 | First working draft released | |
June 2012 | Informal comment period on first working draft | |
February 4. 2013 | Working draft for Ecology's preliminarry review released | |
Summer 2013 | Open houses in Concrete. Lyman , Mount Vernon, and Anacortes | |
Spring 2014 | Revised draft elements for Planning Commission workshops | |
2015 | Revised draft elements for Planning Commission final review before public comment | |
February 5, 2016 | Revised draft released; written comment period starts | |
February 26, 2016 | Expected release of analysis documents | |
March 15, 2016 | Planning Commission public hearing at 6pm | |
April 4, 2016 | Written comment period ends | |
April-August 2016 | Planning Commission deliberations on comments and draft | |
August 2016 | Planning Commission issues recommendation on draft | |
2018 | Board of County Commissioners preliminary approval | |
Expected w/n 12 mos | Ecology preliminary approval | |
Following | Board of County Commissioners adoption | |
Following | Ecology final approval |
Grant Agreement
Skagit County received a state grant to fund development of the SMP Update for the County itself, as well as the towns of Lyman and Hamilton.
- SMP Grant Agreement with Ecology | Amendment
- Consultant contract with the Watershed Company | Amendment
Open Houses
In May and June 2013, Skagit County held open houses in Mount Vernon, Anacortes, Lyman, and Concrete to discuss the draft shoreline plan and get feedback from the public. The format for the open houses was informal discussions with County staff and the consultant team to answer questions and provide information and to receive input on the SMP, which is reflected in this report.
Visioning Workshops
The Department held visioning workshops in Concrete, Lyman, Mount Vernon, and Anacortes June-July 2011 and presented this Visioning Workshops SMP Background Presentation. The result of those workshops is summarized in this Visioning Workshops Summary.
Shoreline Advisory Committee
The Board of County Commissioners has appointed a 17-member advisory committee to help review draft materials and advise the Planning & Development Services Department throughout the update process. Meetings are open to the public, and agendas, minutes and schedules are available on the committee website.
Public Comment on First Working Draft
The Department accepted comments on the first working draft from May 22 through June 29, 2012.
Planning Commission
The Skagit County Planning Commission has been reviewing and providing feedback on early drafts as they are prepared by the County's consultant, staff, and the advisory committee. The Planning Commission will also review the formal complete draft, and hold at least one public hearing on it.
Board of County Commissioners
The Board of County Commissioners will review the document after the Planning Commission issues its recommendation, and make a decision on it consistent with the process in Skagit County Code 14.08.
Ecology Approval
Shoreline Master Programs have to be approved by the Department of Ecology to be valid. After the Board approves the document, Ecology will approve it or make comments. The Board may need to make changes to the document before final Ecology approval.
Where We Are Now (updated 2/4/14)
The Department has produced a complete working draft of the updated Shoreline Master Program after addressing Planning Commission and Ecology comments and rewriting for clarity, consistency, and brevity. The Planning Commission will review and make suggestions on this draft approximately on the schedule described by this memo before a new draft is prepared for public comment and public hearing.
Received Comments
- Comments on early drafts received through June 29, 2012
Reference Information
- Dept of Ecology's Citizen's Guide to SMP Updates
- Dept of Ecology’s Shoreline Master Program Handbook
- MRSC's Guide to the Shoreline Management Act
- Washington State Shoreline Management Act (RCW 90.58)
- Dept of Ecology's rules implementing the SMA (WAC 173-26 and 173-27)
Contact Us
Betsy Stevenson, AICP, Project Manager
Skagit County Planning & Development Services
(360) 416-1323