June 7, 2022
Pressentin County Park Ribbon Cutting Celebration Scheduled for June 10
The Skagit County Commissioners will host a ribbon cutting celebration at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, June 10 at Pressentin County Park in Marblemount. Pressentin Park has been closed for the past year while salmon habitat restoration and recreational improvement projects took place. Skagit County Parks and Recreation is excited to celebrate the reopening of this county park and share its new amenities with the community.
Skagit County Parks and Recreation has worked in partnership with the Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group for nearly a decade to assess, design, develop, and finally restore a historic side channel through Pressentin Park that maximizes salmon benefit while also providing a diversity of new low impact recreation opportunities for community members and visitors.
In the fall of 2021, this half mile long channel was finally restored and reconnected to the Skagit River. Salmon immediately began using the new habitat when it was connected. Over the fall and winter, spawner survey volunteers counted adult Chinook, coho, and hundreds of pink salmon using the new habitat. This spring, juvenile salmon have been found using the new habitat as well.
In addition to restoring significant habitat for salmon, Parks and Recreation secured funds to improve park amenities that complement the habitat restoration work, including picnic shelters, walk-in campsites, a playground, and new trails. The park now hosts a variety of trails ranging from ADA accessible to primitive footpaths. Pedestrian bridges were constructed across the newly restored side channel and provides visitors opportunities to view salmon and other wildlife utilizing the new habitat.
The community has been very supportive of this project, with over 120 volunteers participating in planting parties held last fall. As part of the restoration effort, community volunteers helped plant over 13,000 native trees and shrubs along the new channel.
The celebration will include brief remarks from Skagit County Commissioners and Project Partners followed by a walking tour of the park along ADA accessible trails. This event will be held outdoors, so please dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes to participate in the tour. Parking for the event is at 60060 State Rte 20, Marblemount, WA 98267.
For more information, contact Parks and Recreation at (360) 416-1350 or email parksrec@co.skagit.wa.us.