GIS | Geographic Information Services
A division of Central Services
GIS Coordinator: Sean Carson
Topographic MapThe Topographic Map is produced by Skagit County and is available for download (Adobe PDF format). The atlas is designed to fit a 20 x 33 inch paper format and requires Adobe Reader software to view the map pages. These maps contain current roads, trails, topography, rivers and streams, and points of interest. The scale of these maps is 1:24,000 and provides more detail than the County’s Topographic Atlas. To download a Topographic Map page, Pick a map from our Topo Map-Selector here.If you would like prints of the individual map pages you can print them yourself if you have a 24 x 36 size printer or you can have your local print service do the job for you. You can also download the Coversheet You can also download Topographic Map sets in a compressed zipped file of the entire series: |
Section by name
A-C | D-F | G-L | M-R | S-U |
News Flash: As an added benefit, you can now view these maps on your mobile device which provides the ability to view your position on the map while you are disconnected from cellular service. For instructions on how to view the County’s topographic maps on a mobile device pick this link.