Recorded Documents Search

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Recorded Document Search

Advanced Recording Search

Please note: When using the advanced search, please be aware that documents recorded since 1973 may only be indexed by Auditor's File Number, Party Name, Document Type and Date Recorded. Other fields (such as Parcel Number or Tax Account) may not be indexed so will NOT show up when searched by those fields. Documents recorded before 1973 may only be indexed by File Number and Date Recorded.

These public document images do not constitute certified copies of recorded documents. If the user requires a certified copy of a document, please contact the Skagit County Auditor at 360-416-1704. By using this search, you are agreeing to Skagit County's terms and conditions.


Auditor's File Number:
Party Name: (Last First Middle)
Document Type:
Date Filed From:  
Date Filed To:
Grantor: (Last First Middle)
Grantee: (Last First Middle)
Filed By: (Last First Middle)
Legal Description:
Parcel Number:
Permit Number:
Tax Account:
Tax Account:
Sixteenth Section:
Quarter Section:
Sort By:
Sort Order:

The Auditor's File Number search will return records where the search term matches exactly the search term entered. However, the file number does not require the first 2 digits of the year (for example, 201305010001 may be entered as 1305010001).
Dates must be in a recognizable format (ie. 4/15/2013) and the From date must be earlier or the same as the To date. If only a From date is entered, all selected documents on that date or after will be returned. If only a To date is entered, all selected documents on that date or before will be returned.
The Party Name search works by matching the search term entered with the values in the Grantor, Grantee and Filed By fields in the Recorded Document index. The search will find all records containing the search term entered. If you enter more than the last name, do not separate with commas, only a space.
The Grantor search works by matching the search term entered with the values in the Grantor fields in the Recorded Document index. The search will find all records containing the search term entered. If you enter more than the last name, do not separate with commas, only a space.
The Grantee search works by matching the search term entered with the values in the Grantee fields in the Recorded Document index. The search will find all records containing the search term entered. If you enter more than the last name, do not separate with commas, only a space.
The Filed By search works by matching the search term entered with the values in the Filed By fields in the Recorded Document index. The search will find all records containing the search term entered. If you enter more than the last name, do not separate with commas, only a space.
The Legal Description field search will find all records containing the search term entered.
The Parcel Number field search will find all records beginning with the search term entered. At most, only one parcel number will be indexed for a recorded document even if there are multiple parcel numbers for that document.
The Permit Number search will return records where the search term matches exactly the search term entered.
The Tax Account search will return records where the search term matches exactly the search term entered.
The index for searching recorded documents based on PLSS data (SS, QS, Section, Township, Range) is primarily valid for the following types of documents: Amend Binding Site Plan, Amend Boundary Line Adjust, Amendment Of Condo, Amendment Of Condominium, Amendment Of Plat, Amendment Of Short Plat, Amendment Of Survey, Binding Site Plan, Boundary line adjustment, Condominium Plat, Land Corner Record, Plat, Short Plat and Survey.